Logical Reasoning

Statement and Assumptions - Practice Level

In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions. As assumptions is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and decide which of the assumption is implicit in the statement.

Give answer

(A) If only assumption I is implicit

(B) If only assumption II is implicit

(C) If neither assumption I nor II is implicit

(D) If both assumption I and II are implicit.

41.  Statement : Whenever you have any doubt on this subject, you may refer to the book by Enn and Enn.
Assumptions :

I. The book by Enn and Enn is available.
II. There is no other book on this subject.

A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either I or II is implicit.
D. Neither I nor II is implicit.
E. Both I and II are implicit.
42.  Statement : I have written several letters to the branch manager regarding my account in the bank but did not receive any reply so far.
Assumptions :

I. The branch manager is expected to read letters received from the customer.
II. Branch manager is expected to reply to the letter received from the customer.

A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either I or II is implicit.
D. Neither I nor II is implicit.
E. Both I and II are implicit.
43.  Statement : The education of a student at collegiate level, not taking into account maintenance expenses, costs four hundred rupees a year. Collegiate education is thus drawing heavily upon the national resources of an impoverished community. So college education should be restricted to a brilliant few.
Assumptions :

I. Our resources are very limited.
II. only a few student should be admitted to the college.

A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either I or II is implicit.
D. Neither I nor II is implicit.
E. Both I and II are implicit.