Logical Reasoning

Statement and Assumptions - Practice Level

In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions. As assumptions is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and decide which of the assumption is implicit in the statement.

Give answer

(A) If only assumption I is implicit

(B) If only assumption II is implicit

(C) If neither assumption I nor II is implicit

(D) If both assumption I and II are implicit.

11.  Statement : Interview conducted for selecting people for job should measure personalty characteristics of candidate.
Assumptions :

I.  Performance on job depends on personalty characteristics.
II. Personality characteristics can be measured in interview.

A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either I or II is implicit.
D. Neither I nor II is implicit.
E. Both I and II are implicit.
12.  Statement : Children who get encouragement, usually perform better - A note by the principal to the parents.
Assumption :

I.  Some parents do not encourage the people.
II. Parents may follow principal advice.

A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either I or II is implicit.
D. Neither I nor II is implicit.
E. Both I and II are implicit.
13.  Statement : There is no reason to rule out the possibility of life on Mars. Therefore the exploration of  that planet has to be undertaken.
Assumptions :

I.  There is life no Mars.
II. The search for life is the sufficient reason for space exploration.

A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either I or II is implicit.
D. Neither I nor II is implicit.
E. Both I and II are implicit.
14.  Statement : No regular funds have been provided for welfare activities in this year's budget of the factory.
Assumptions :

I.  The factory does not desire to carry out welfare this area.
II. Budgetary provision is necessary for carrying out welfare activities.

A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either I or II is implicit.
D. Neither I nor II is implicit.
E. Both I and II are implicit.
15.  Statement : World health organization has decided to double its assistance to various heath programmes  in India as per-capita  expenditure on health in India is very low compared to may other countries.
Assumptions :

I. The enhanced assistance may substantially increase the per-capita expenditure on health in India and bring it on par with other countries.
II. The Government funding is less than adequate to provide medical facilities in India.

A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either I or II is implicit.
D. Neither I nor II is implicit.
E. Both I and II are implicit.
16.  Statement : An advertisement : "Our shoes are for the rich."
Assumptions :

I. Many people like to be labelled as rich.
II. One can't become rich unless one has that brand of shoes.

A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either I or II is implicit.
D. Neither I nor II is implicit.
E. Both I and II are implicit.
17.  Statement : Amongst newspapers, I always read the National Times.
Assumptions :

I. The National Times gives very comprehensive news.
II. Some people prefer other newspaper.

A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either I or II is implicit.
D. Neither I nor II is implicit.
E. Both I and II are implicit.
18.  Statement : Do not copy our software without our permission - A notice.
Assumptions :

I. It is possible to copy the software.
II. Such warning will have some effect.

A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either I or II is implicit.
D. Neither I nor II is implicit.
E. Both I and II are implicit.
19.  Statement : The two countries have signed a fragile pact, but the vital sovereignty issue remains unresolved.
Assumptions :

I. The countries cannot have permanent peace pact.
II. The two countries may become hostile again after a short spell of time.

A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either I or II is implicit.
D. Neither I nor II is implicit.
E. Both I and II are implicit.
20.  Statement : "Blue tie wold help us Identify our staff from other," - A suggestion in a company.
Assumptions :

I. The company needs to identify its staff
II. Blue tie is the largest fashion.

A. Only assumption I is implicit.
B. Only assumption II is implicit.
C. Either I or II is implicit.
D. Neither I nor II is implicit.
E. Both I and II are implicit.