Logical Reasoning

Statement and Assumptions - Expert Level

In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Give answer

(A) If only assumption I is implicit

(B) If only assumption II is implicit

(C) If either I or II is implicit

(D) If neither I nor II is implicit

(E) If both I and II are implicit.

11.  Statement : The head of the organization congratulated the entire staff in his speech for their sincere effort to bring down the deficit and urged them to give their best for attaining a more profitable position in future.
Assumptions : 

I. The employees may get motivated and maintain and if possible  enhance their present level of work.
II. The employees now relax and slow down in their day to day work as there is no immediate threat of huge deficit.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit
12.  Statement : The multinational fast food chains are opening up a large number of plus coffee Shops with piped modern music in different cities of India and these are serving various breakfast (snax) with coffee.
Assumptions :

I. A large number of persons may become regular customers of these coffee shops.
II. The people will like to enjoy the comfortable environment while drinking coffee with snax.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit
13.  Statement : "If you want timely completions of work, provide independent cabins " - An employee tells the Director of a Company.
Assumptions :

I. There are not enough cabins.
II. Others presence hinders timely completion of work
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit
14.  Statement : The government has decided to hold the employers responsible for deducting tax at source for all its employees.
Assumptions :

I. The employees may still not arrange to deduct tax at source for its employees.
II. The employees may not allow the employers to deduct tax at source.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit
15.  Statement : "Everyone desires to buy a personal computer" , statement of a college student.
Assumption :

I. Personal computers are not a need but luxury.
II. Use of personal computers improves quality of skill.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit
16.  Statement : Deepak has a large collection of books and he keeps on purchasing new books to add to his collection.
Assumptions : 

I. Deepak loves and cares for books.
II. Deepak has read each and every book that he has purchased.

A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit
17.  Statement : Read this notice before entering the club.
Assumptions :

I. People are literate.
II.No blind person comes in the club.

A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit
Statement :  Equality of income throughout a community is the essential condition for maximizing the total utility which the total income available could confer on the members of that community.
Assumptions :

I. If extra income were taken from the rich and given to the poor, the total utility experienced by the community would increases.
II. Equal pay for equal work.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit
19.  Statement : Sachin's mother instructed him to return home by train if it rains heavily.
Assumptions :

I. Sachin may not be able to decide himself if it rains heavily.
II. The trains may nly even if it rains heavily.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit
20.  Statement : Use PVC pipes which have 10 years longer life to any other.
Assumptions :

I. People prefer only those pipes which are durable.
II. Other Pipes are not durable.
A. If only assumption I is implicit
B. If only assumption II is implicit
C. If either I or II is implicit
D. If neither I nor II is implicit
E. If both I and II are implicit