LWC - Salesforce

Salesforce CLI

The Salesforce CLI is a powerful command line interface that simplifies development and build automation when working with your Salesforce org.

Salesforce CLI

 Use it to:

• Aggregate all the tools you need to develop with and perform commands against your Salesforce org

• Synchronize source to and from scratch orgs

• Create and manage orgs

• Import and export data

• Create and execute tests

• Create and install packages

For more information on Salesforce DX, click here.

Download link for Salesforce CLI , click here

Installing the Salesforce CLI

CLI stands for Command Line Interface. Salesforce CLI provides a lot of commands to make your life easy. You can create different environments for development, testing, individual orgs fro team and merging the code in a single org using the scratch orgs and version control.

I highly recommend you to follow the steps from salesforce’s official document. click here.

You can also read the steps on trailhead as well. click here.

Now upgrade your CLI to prerelease version. Run this command in your terminal (Mac) or CMD (Windows).

sfdx plugins:install salesforcedx@pre-release

 This configuration is based on the current time. In future, you may not need to upgrade the CLI version with pre-release.