Logical Reasoning

Logical Deduction - Section 2

In each of the following questions, two statements are given followed by three or four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.


Statements: Some taxis have horns. Some taxis have lights.


I.   Every taxi has either horn or light.

II.  Some taxis have neither light nor horn.

III. Some taxis have horns as well as lights.

IV. No taxi has horn as well as light.

A. Only I and II follow
B. Only II and III follow
C. Only II and IV follow
D. Either III or IV follows
E. All follow

Statements: Some houses are offices. Some offices are schools.


I.   Some schools are houses.

II.  Some offices are houses.

III. No house is school.

IV. Some schools are offices.

A. Only II and III follow
B. Only I and IV follow
C. Only either III or IV, and I follow
D. Only II and IV and either I or III follow.

Statements: Some books are pens. No pen is pencil.


I.   Some pens are books.

II.  Some pencils are books.

III. Some books are not pencils.

IV.  All pencils are books.

A. Only I follows
B. Only II and III follow
C. Only I and III follow
D. Only I and II follow

Statements: All terrorists are guilty. All terrorists are criminals.


I.   Either all criminals are guilty or all guilty are criminals.

II.  Some guilty persons are criminals.

III. Generally criminals are guilty.

IV. Crime and guilt go together.

A. Only I follows
B. Only I and III follow
C. Only II follows
D. Only II and IV follow

Statements: Some tables are TVs. Some TVs are radios.


I.   Some tables are radios.

II.  Some radios are tables.

III. All radios are TVs.

IV. All TVs are tables.

A. None follows
B. All follow
C. Only I and III follow
D. Only II and IV follow

Statements: Some bottles are drinks. All drinks are cups.


I.   Some bottles are cups.

II.  Some cups are drinks.

III. All drinks are bottles.

IV. All cups are drinks.

A. Only I and II follow
B. Only II and III follow
C. Only II and IV follow
D. Only III and IV follow
E. Only I and IV follow

Statements: All branches are flowers. All flowers are leaves.


I.   All branches are leaves.

II.  All leaves are branches.

III. All flowers are branches.

IV. Some leaves are branches.

A. None follows
B. Only I and IV follow
C. Only II and III follow
D. All follow

Statements: Some bags are pockets. No pocket is a pouch.


I.   No bag is a pouch.

II.  Some bags are not pouches.

III. Some pockets are bags.

IV. No pocket is a bag,

A. None follows
B. Only I and III follow
C. Only II and III follow
D. Only either I or IV follows
E. All follow

Statements: All aeroplanes are trains. Some trains are chairs.


I.   Some aeroplanes are chairs.

II.  Some chairs are aeroplanes.

III. Some chairs are trains.

IV. Some trains are aeroplanes.

A. None follows
B. Only I and II follow
C. Only II and III follow
D. Only III and IV follow

Statements: All politicians are honest. All honest are fair.


I.   Some honest are politicians.

II.  No honest is politician.

III. Some fair are politicians.

IV. All fair are politicians.

A. None follows.
B. Only I follows.
C. Only I and II follow.
D. Only I and III follow