About the Company
Cognizant, the American multinational company is being a giant in the IT industry. The company is headquarters in Teaneck, New Jersey has clients world-wide. It has been listed in the NASDAQ 100 and S&P 500 indices besides becoming a Fortune 500 company and being named the world’s fourth most admired company by the fortune magazine. Cognizant always has a craze for the Indian brains and recruits a pretty good number of students both on campus and off campus.
Test Description
In the campus recruitments for the 2022 batch, the test pattern has considerably deviated from the previous pattern. The present-day pattern contains just 55 questions and a maximum time limit is 55 minutes unlike the previous pattern that had 70 questions. The test is of adaptive type and the difficulty level automatically examines and adopts itself to the student’s ability.
Verbal Ability
Majority of verbal ability questions cover
1. Reading Comprehension
2. Parajumbles
3. Synonyms and Antonyms
4. Critical Reasoning
5. Sentence Correction
Quantitative Ability
Most of questions of this section are from the areas of
1. Numbers
2. HCF and LCM
3. Time, speed and distance
4. Pipes and Cisterns
5. Profit & Loss
Reasoning Ability
This section is easy to crack if you have got some good practices in the following areas :
1. Critical Reasoning
2. Data Sufficiency
3. Coding and Decoding
4. Linear Arrangement
5. Odd Man Out
CTS Selection Procedure consists of following 3 rounds
1. PPT.
2. Aptitude Test.
3. HR and Technical.
PPT-30 -40 minutes
1. Written Test
No of questions : 55
Time limit : 60 minutes
No negative mark
Sectional cut off
In written test consists two section
Section -1- Analytical Ability (30 Ques in 30 mints)
For analytical (Areas to concentrate)
1. Puzzles (4Ques)
2. Figure-Odd-1 (1ques)
3. Syllogism ( including 2 statements which are mostly asked)....(2 Ques)
4. Coding decoding(4Ques)
5. Logical connectives
6. Data sufficiency
7. Data interpretation (2)
8 Pie chart and table
8. Statement-Conclusion.
9. Blood relation.
10. Cube and dice.
11. Statement inference (true or false like)......(2 Ques)
12. Figure Sequence(4Ques)
13. Puzzles
For verbal:
1. Error in sentences.(10Ques)
2. Rearrange.
3. Passage.(2 Big Passage)(10Questions)
4. Jumble Sentence
Technical and HR
Questions on C, JAVA, Data Structures, DBMS, Software Engg-SQL query Data structures, networks, C
Tell me about yourself ?
2. What's your short and long term goal ?
3. Why do you want to join our company ?
4. Why I hire you and why i don't hire you ?
5. What will you do if you are not selected ?
6. Do you have any question ?
7. Your strengths and weakness ?
8. Expectations from Cognizant ?
9. As u an IT student, what are the most interesting changes/inventions have been take place in last 5 years
10. which is your preferable language
11. what are the properties of oops
12. What is polymorphism?
13. 2NF with an example
14. Write a program in C to find factorial of a number.
15. Explain method overloading and overwriting with example.
Previously asked questions
1) In a club there are certain no. of males and females. If 15 females are absent then no. of males will be twice that of females. If 45 males are absent then female strength will be 5 times that of males. Find no. of males actually present.
2) Three men A, B, C plays Cards. If one loses the game he have to give Rs.3. If he wins the game he will gain Rs.6. If A has won 3 Games, B loses Rs.3, C wins Rs.12.What is the total no. of games played?
3) A can swim & cross 50m(the length of swimming pool) in 2 min. B can swim & cross 50m in 2min 15sec. Every time when they meet a bell gong is struck. For 2000m how many bell sounds might be produced?
4) When I was married 10 years ago my wife is the 6th member of the family. Today my father died and a baby born to me. The average age of my family during my marriage is same as today. What is the age of Father when he died?ans:70.
5) There are 9 balls of equal size and same weight(they look similar) except 1. How may weighs required to find the dissimilar ball using a weighing balance?
6) Product of Prime no. between 1 to 20?
7) Find out the total numbers between 1 to 999 that are neither divisible by 8 nor by 12?
8) Find out the distinct numbers that can be formed by 2, 3, 7, 6(don’t now exactly) that should be divided by 4?
9) Two trains at speed 60 km/hr comes in the opposite direction. At a particular time the distance between the two trains is 18km. A shuttle flies between the trains at the speed of 80 km/hr. At the time the two trains crashes what is the distance traveled by shuttle?
10) There are n urns and m balls. If we put 3 balls in each urn 3 balls will be excess. If we put 4 balls in each urn 1 urn will be excess. Find no. of Urns (or) Balls?
11) Find the area not occupied by circles:
Given length =y breadth =x (Answer: 3x2(1-pie/4))
12)A man gets x/y of Rs.10 and y/x of Rs.10. He returns Rs.20. The Answer choices are
a) He may not lose
b) He may lose
c) He always loses
d) Cannot be Determined
13) Three men A,B,C can complete a work separately in some specified days(may be6,7,8).If they do the work together by alternate days. Then how many days need to complete the work?
14)Four Members A,B,C,D are playing a game .A person losing a game should double the amount of others .B,C,D are losing in order after three games .The amount after 3 games are A&B having 40,D is having 16&C 80.
Each questions carry one mark:
a) who started with small amount of money?
15)who started with greatest amount of money?
16)what amount did B have?
Hint: I solved and found the answers to be A->5,B->93
17)There are some houses in a street back to back .And they that house behind 10 was 23.
How many houses in the street?
18)There are 1997 doors in a auditorium and as many as people as the no of doors openenter the auditorium .A door was closed and as many as people as no of doors open leavethe auditorium . the process was repeated till the no of doors is equal to1.find the total no of peoples enter the auditorium?
19)A batsman average was 15.at last innings he took 23 runs then his average became16.how much run he should take to make his average 18?
20)Find the number WXYZ divisible by 36?
i)let the digits be5,4,3,6 –not in that order
ii)sum of last two digits is 9
iii) sum of middle two digits is 7
if one is sufficient then ans asA || if two is sufficient then ans as B||if all are
necessary then ans as C|| if nothing is needed then ans as D
21)X and Y live in a North-South parallel street. X travels 10 km towards North to reach the east-west street . Y travels 6 km towards south to reach the east –west street . X travels now4km towards east and y travels 8km towards west and they met each other. What is the distance
between x and y?
22)The houses are numbered 1,2,3,… and reach the end of the street and backtracks toward she starting point. The house numbered 10 is opposite to 23. there are even no of houses. Find the total no of houses.
23)A seller has a set of apples out of which he sells one half of it and half an apple to his first customer. Then he sells half of the remaining apples and a half apple to his second customer. Then he sells half of the remaining apple and ½ apple to his third customer and so on. This repeats upto 7th customer and no more apples are remaining . Find the total no of apples he had
24) A hollow cube of size 5cm is taken , with the thickness of 1cm . it is made of smaller cubes of size 1cm . if the outer surface of the cube is painted how many faces of the smaller cubes remain unpainted?
25)if a 36 cm thread is used to wrap a book , lengthwise twice and breadthwise once, what is the
size of the book?
26)The various degrees of the vertices are marked in the dig. Find y.
27)if 4 circles of equal radius are drawn with vertices of a square as the center , the side of the square being 7 cm, find the area of the circles outside the square?
28)A bus has 40 seats and the passengers agree to share the total bus fare among themselves equally. If the total fair is 80.67 , find the total no of the seats unoccupied.
29) A 4 digit no may consist of the digits 6,2,7,5 where none of the no’s are repeated. Find the possible no of combinations divisible by 36?
30) if u r traveling from Mumbai to Bangalore and return back .To find the speed of the car which of the following r needed.
a)the distance between them.
b)time taken
c)avg speed towards Mumbai and the avg speed towards banglore.
1)a only. 2)a and b 3) a,b,c 4)b only 5) c only ( ans not in order)
31)( Diagram drawn approximate not to scale.)
if all the blocks are squares and the complete fig is also a square and the area of the a is 1cm2,b=81 cm2what is the area of i?
32) A secret can be told only 2 persons in 5 minutes .the same person tells to 2 more personsand so on . How long will take to tell it to 768 persons ?
a)47.5 min b)50 min c) 500 min d)…. Ans: 47.5 min
33) Three birds cross a point in a same st. line and of that 2 fly in opposite directions. If a
triangle is formed with the position of the birds what kind of the triangle will be formed?
a)isosceles b)right angle c)equilateral d)right angle and isosceles.
34)when the angle a, b, c, d are given find x.
35) One question is given for explaining the working of cornea (in eyes) & the window
ans: drawing analogy
36) m<n, & x<y which of the following is definitely false
a)m-n < x-y b)m+n < x+y
c)&d) Similar options using all 4 variables
37)Four circles are drawn from the corners of a square of area 49 cm2 . Find the area of 4 circles outside the square(they didn’t mention that circles have radius=1/2 side of a square)
ans: intermediate
38)In a pond ecosystem, large fishes and small fishes will be there. If we want to remove small amount of pollutants, small fishes are to be employed. In a food-chain food passes through a number of mouths and en route the mouth of the super feeder-the eagle. The size of the ecosystem is determined by its population. But this has been proved false. What can you infer from above?
(4 choices)
39)In Bangalore, during income tax deduction for a single person, the percentage increased by 3% and for middle house-holders, it decreased by 3%.What can you infer?
40)In China,Mao-Tse –Tung was responsible for organizing its people and taking China into success path. It evolved into a great economic power by improved industrial and economical prospered in those years, but_________________ Which of the following best completes the sentence?(4 choices
41)A ridge formed over Pacific Ocean was because of the intersection of two volcanoes. But in history it was written that it was not due to those volcanoes. It proves a contradictory to form the view that history will be proved wrong in the future. Inference?
42)In a poultry form because of cloning, a large breed of hens were produced. This increased the production but the maintenance was very difficult because of the large number. This does not mean that cloning is a disaster in the scientific world but it is a tool which in some ways is constructive but in other ways ,it is destructive. Inference?
The remaining verbal questions are easy and they can be answered by seeing the question carefully
1. Product of prime number between 1 and 20.
2. Number of terms between 1 and 999 not divisible by 8 or 12.
3. There are number of hours on both sides of a road. On one side houses are numbered in increasing order (1,2,3…). On other sides houses are numbered in down order. It house number 10, opposite house is house no.23. Find no of houses (Even number of houses are provided).;
4. What is the area of the shaded region?
5. An apple seller is having some apples. He is selling half of the apple what he has plus half the apple to the first customer. In the same way he sells the remaining apple to 7 customers. After selling to 7 customer, he has no apples with him.
6. In the combinations of 2,3,6,7 how many possible combinations divisible by 4?Ans. 8
7. If x>y & n>m which of the following data is false.
8. There are no of urns &no of balls. If three balls are placed in each urn then 3 balls is left. If 4 balls are placed in each urn then 1 urn is left. What is the total no of balls?
Ans. None of these.
9. There are 1997 doors in the courts. 1997 people came out from each door. One door is closed. That many people came out from each door. This continues till a single person come out of the single open door. Find the no of people inside the court?
There dare four teams A,B,C, D playing game. If any one team loses, it will play twice the money to all other teams. They play 3 games B,C,D loses one game each in the order. FinallyA& B has Rs. 40 each & C has Rs. 80 & D has Rs. 16.
10. Which team has started with minimum money? i) A ii) B iii) C iv) Dans. I) A
11. Which team has started with maximum money? i) A ii) B iii) C iv) DAns. ii) B
12. Two trains are traveling in 60 kmph on same trace, towards each other. When the distance between them is 18 km, a fly is going to start, flying between them in 80 kmphspeed. Find the traveling path distance of the fly upto when it is going to crush by the 2
trains?Ans. 12 km
13. A batsman outs for 23 runs in one inning which increases his average 15 to 16. If he has to got 18 as average, what score is to made by him in the same innings?Ans. 39
14. There are 4 numbers as 5,8,2,1 Form 4, four digit numbers as A ,B and find the sum?
15. A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I are all of squares which are combined in a square. Area of B is 81cm2.Side of A is 1 cm. Then find area of ‘I’?Ans. 324 cm2.
16. Death rate in a village (drought ridden ) decreases. Naidu Govt claims it free health camps. This goes in valid when
Ans. i. Two water supply tanks were built supplying clean water.
17. In 1996, income after tax deduction of upper classes increases by 3% than in 1995. Choices:
1) No of upper class population increases
2) ,, ,, decreases
18. A Man gets x/y of Rs. 10 & y/x of Rs. 10, He gives out Rs. 20.
i) He loses always ii) May or maynot less
iii) cannot always lose.
19. Petrol prices increased by 40% expected hike in taxi & auto charges so, people may use public transport systems. What do you infer?
20. All people use a bus paid equality. 40 seats in the bus. Bus charge is Rs. 70.37Howmany seats we left unfilled.
21. 4 men can cross a bridge in 3,7,13, 17 minutes. Only two can cross the bridge a
1. Tell me about yourself.
2. What was the last project you worked on.
3. What was your contribution in it.
4. What is your 10th 12th and current C.G.P.I.
5. Do you have any questions for us.