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In a town 25% families own a phone and 15% own a car, 65% families own neither a phone nor a car. 2000 families own both a phone and a car. Consider the following statement in this regard.
(i) 10% families own both a car and a phone. (ii) 35% families own either a car or a phone. (iii) 40000 families live in the town. Which of the above statement are correct? |
Answer: Option C Explanation: Suppose N% families own both a car and a phone, Then, percentage of the families owing only a phone = 25 - N Percentage of the families owing only a car = 15 - N
Percentage of families who have either a car or a phone = (25 - 5) + (15 - 5) + 5 = 35 So, Statement ll is correct.
(5 x A)/100 = 2000 So, Statement lll is also correct. |
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