1.  If the population of males below poverty line for State Q is 2.4 million and that for State T is 6 million, then the total populations of States Q and T are in the ratio?

A. 1 : 3
B. 2 : 5
C. 3 : 7
D. 4 : 9
E. 5 : 12

Answer: Option B


For State Q:

Male population below poverty line = 2.4 million.

Let the female population below poverty line be x million.

Then, 3 : 5 = 2.4 : x   =>  x = 5 x 2.4 = 4.

Therefore Total population below poverty line = (2.4 + 4) = 6.4 million.

If Nq be the total population of State Q, then,

25% of Nq = 6.4 million  => Nq = ( 6.4 x 100 ) million 

= 25.6 million.

For State T:

Male population below poverty line = 6 million.

Let the female population below poverty line be y million.

Then, 5 : 3 = 6 : y   =>  y = 3 x 6 = 3.6.

Therefore Total population below poverty line = (6 + 3.6) = 9.6 million.

If Nt be the total population of State T, then,

15% of Nt = 9.6 million  => Nt = ( 9.6 x 100 ) million 
= 64 million.

Thus, Required ratio = Nq = 25.6 = 0.4 = 2 .
Nt 64 5