Table Charts
A table chart is a set of data
arranged in rows and columns and is one of the most common way of putting
information across to people. A table consists of several boxes with
information inside. The first row and the first column are generally used to
denote the titles. While any type of data can be presented in table form,
that too in a very accurate manner, interpreting the data in table form is
more difficult and time consuming than the other modes, all of which are
basically pictorial or graphical in presentation.
This section comprises of questions in which
certain data regarding common disciplines as production over a period of a few
years : imports, exports, incomes of employees in a factory, students applying
for and qualifying a certain field of study etc are given in the form of a
The candidate is
required to understand the given information and thereafter answer the given
questions on the basis of comparative analysis of the data.
on Solving Table Chart Problems:
1. Read
the data very carefully, as the smallest detail may change the meaning of
the question completely.
Similarly, the instructions have to be
understood carefully to prevent wasting time in calculating data that is
not required, and also to find out exactly what is the answer that is
2. Try to understand the data provided carefully, before jumping to answer the questions. The questions are designed to be deceptive, and proper understanding of the requirements is a must. If the Data provided is of the combined variety or if there are more than one data table/charts/graphs, try to understand the relation between the given tables.
For Example, one table may talk about
absolute sales figures, while the other table may talk of sales as a
percentage of production. Hence, any question on excess production or
Goods in stock, will require data from both tables.
3. Be very careful of the units used in the tables, and
the units in which the answers (options) are provided. A mistake in the
units may yield an entirely different answer. Also be careful of
whether the answer is required in decimal or percentage. Such errors are
common and easily avoidable.