Verbal Reasoning

Simple Analogy

21.  Firm is related to Flabby in the same way as Piquant is related to ...

A. Bland
B. Salty
C. Pleasant
D. Small
22.  Anthropology is related to Man in the same way as Anthology is related to ...

A. Nature
B. Trees
C. Apes
D. Poems
23.  Mirror is related to Reflection in the same way as Water is related to ...

A. Conduction
B. Dispersion
C. Immersion
D. Refraction
24.  What is related to Leaves in the same way as Chatter is related to ...

A. Whistle
B. Ripple
C. Rustle
D. Cackle
25.  Lion is related to Prowl in the same way as Bear is related to ...

A. Frisk
B. Lumber
C. Stride
D. Bound
26.  Cyclone is related to Anticyclone in the same way as Flood is related to ...

A. Devastation
B. Havoc
C. River
D. Drought
27.  Wood is related to Charcoal in the same way as Coal is related to ...

A. Fire
B. Smoke
C. Coke
D. Ash
28.  Motorcycle is related to Battery in the same way as Life is related to ...

A. Earth
B. Sun
C. Moon
D. Star
29.  Drama is related to Scene in the same way as Book is related to ...

A. Story
B. Page
C. Chapter
D. Author
30.  Betel is related to Chew in the same way as Football is related to ...

A. Play
B. Run
C. Roll
D. Kick