1.  One day, Raviraj left home and cycled 20 Km southwards, turned right and cycled 10 km and turned right and cycled 20 Km and turned left and cycled 20 Km. How many kilometres will he have to cycle to reach his home straight ?

A. 50 km
B. 30 km
C. 40 km
D. 60 km

Answer: Option B


Raviraj starts from home at A, moves 20 Km in south up to B. Then he turns right and moves 10 Km up to C, then he turns right and moves 20 Km up to D, then he turns lefts and moves 20 Km up to E.

So from image it is clear that, if he moves straight then he will have to move

AD+DE, AD = BC = 10 Km

So, he will have to move 10 + 20 = 30 Km