Verbal Reasoning

Blood Relation 1

51.  If X + Y means X is the daughter of Y; X - Y means X is the brother of Y; X % Y means X is the father of Y and X x Y means X is the sister of Y. Which of the following means I is the niece of J?

A. J - N % C x I
B. I x C - N % J
C. J + M x C % I
D. I x C + N - J

M is the father of N who is the son of V. In order to know the relation of M to P, which of the statement/statements is/are necessary?

1. P is the brother of V.

2. The daughter of N is the granddaughter of V.

A. Only (1)
B. Only (2)
C. Either (1) or (2)
D. (1) and (2) both
53.  Pointing towards Rita, Nikhil said, "I am the only son of her mother's son. "How  is Rita related to Nikhil ?

A. Aunt
B. Niece
C. Mother
D. Cousin
54.  Pointing to the woman in the picture, Rajiv said, "Her mother has only one grandchild whose mother is my wife. "How is the woman in the picture related to Rajiv ?

A. Cousin
B. Wife
C. Sister
D. Data inadequate
E. None of these
55.  Looking at a portrait of a man, Harsh said, "His mother is the wife of my father's son.
Brother and sister I have none. "At whose portrait was Harsh looking ?

A. His son
B. His cousin
C. His uncle
D. His nephew
E. None of these
56.  Deepak said to Nitin, "That boy playing football is the younger of the two brothers of the daughter of my father's wife." How is the boy playing football related to Deepak ?

A. Son
B. Brother
C. Cousin
D. Nephew
E. Brother-in-law