Logical Reasoning

Theme Detection

Each of the following questions contains a small paragraph followed by a question on it. Read each paragraph carefully and answer the question given below it.

1.  Throughout the ages the businessman has helped build civilisation's great cities, provided people with luxuries and artists with patronage, and lift his fellow citizens to understand the standard of living. In the last few centuries the businessman has seeded the Industrial Revolution around the world.

The passage best supports the statement that the businessman -

A. is accountable to the society.
B. lives luxurious and comfortable life.
C. is the beneficiary of the Industrial Revolution.
D. is capable of raising his standard of living.
E. has contributed to the growth of civilisation.
2.  The virtue of art does not allow the work to be interfered with or immediately ruled by anything other than itself. It insists that it alone shall touch the work in order to bring it into being. Art requires that nothing shall attain the work except through art itself.

This passage best supports the statement that:

A. art is governed by external rules and conditions.
B. art is for the sake of art and life.
C. art is for the sake of art alone.
D. artist realises his dreams through his artistic creation.
E. artist should use his art for the sake of society.
3.  There is a shift in our economy from a manufacturing to a service orientation. The increase in service-sector will require the managers to work more with people rather than with objects and things from the assembly line.

This passage best supports the statement that:

A. managers should have a balanced mind.
B. assembly line will exist in service organisations.
C. interpersonal skills will become more important in the future work place.
D. manufacturing organisations ignore importance of people.
E. service organisations will not deal with objects and things.
4.  The school has always been the most important means of transferring the wealth of tradition form one generation to the next. This applies today in an even higher degree than in former times for, through the modern development of economy, the family as bearer of tradition and education has become weakened.

This passage best supports the statement that for transferring the wealth of tradition from one generation to the next -

A. there are means other than the school.
B. several different sources must be tried.
C. economic development plays a crucial role
D. modern technology must be put to use.
E. family, as ever, is the most potent means.
5.  The prevention of accidents makes it necessary not only that safety devices be used to guard exposed machinery but also that mechanics be instructed in safety rules which they must follow for their own protection, and that lighting in the plant be adequate.

The passage best supports the statement that industrial accidents -

A. are always avoidable;
B. may be due to ignorance.
C. cannot be entirely overcome.
D. can be eliminated with the help of safety rules.
E. usually result from inadequate machinery.
6.  To forgive an injury is often considered to be a sign of weakness; it is really a sign of strength. It is easy to allow oneself to be carried away by resentment and hate into an act of vengeance; but it takes a strong character to restrain those natural passions. The man who forgives an injury proves himself to be the superior of the man who wronged himself and puts the wrong-doer to shame.

The passage best supports' the statement that:

A. the sufferer alone knows the intensity of his sufferings.
B. people tend to forgive the things happened in the past.
C. natural passions are difficult to suppress.
D. mercy is the noblest form of revenge.
E. a person with calm and composed nature has depth of thought and vision.
7.  Industrial exhibitions play a major role in a country's economy. Such exhibitions, now regularly held in Delhi, enable us to measure the extent of our own less advanced industrial progress and the mighty industrial power and progress of countries like the U.K., U.S.A. and Russia whose pavilions are the centres of the greatest attention and attractions.

The passage best supports the statement that industrial exhibitions -

A. greatly tax the poor economies.
B. are more useful for the developed countries like U.S.A. whose products stand out superior to those of the developing countries.
C. are not of much use to the countries who are industrially backward.
D. boost up production qualitatively and quantitatively by analytical comparison of a country's products with those of the developed countries.
8.  The press should not be afraid of upholding and supporting a just and righteous cause. It should not be afraid of criticising the government in a healthy manner. The press has to be eternally vigilant to protect the rights of the workers, backward and suppressed sections of the society. It should also give a balanced view of the things so that people can be helped in the formation of a healthy public opinion.

The passage best supports the statement that :

A. press has a great role to play in a democracy.
B. the press is the only means to project to the masses the policies of the government.
C. the freedom of press is essential for the proper functioning of democracy.
D. the press can be used by the governments as an effective media for the upliftment of the backward sections of society.
E. all the information given by the press should be well-articulated so as to gain a good opinion towards the ruling party.
9.  Exports and imports, a swelling favourable balance of trade, investments and bank-balances, are not an index or a balance sheet of national prosperity. Till the beginning of the Second World War, English exports were noticeably greater than what they are today. And yet England has greater national prosperity today than it ever had. Because the income of average Englishmen, working as field and factory labourers, clerks, policemen, petty shopkeepers and shop assistants, domestic workers and other low-paid workers, has gone up.

The passage best supports the statement that:

A. a country's economic standard can be best adjudged by per capital income.
B. a country's balance of trade is the main criteria of determining its economic prosperity.
C. a nation's economy strengthens with the increase in exports.
D. English trade has continually increased since the Second World War.
10.  It is up to our government and planners to devise ways and means for the mobilisation of about ten crore workers whose families total up about forty crore men, women and children. Our agriculture is over-manned. A lesser number of agriculturists would mean more purchasing or spending power to every agriculturist. This will result in the shortage of man-power for many commodities to be produced for which there will be a new demand from a prosperous agrarian class. This shortage will be removed by surplus man-power released from agriculture as suggested above.

The passage best supports the statement that:

A. employment in production is more fruitful than employment in agriculture.
B. Indian economy is in a poor shape basically due to improper mobilisation of man-power.
C. a shift of labour from agricultural sector to the industrial sector would uplift the living standard.
D. the industrial sector is labour-deficient while the agricultural sector is over-manned in our country.