Theme Detection

In every Competitive exam, one of the most important section is Reasoning. If you get good score in Reasoning test then it will help you to achieve good marks in competitive exams. This can be achieve only if you have a very good reasoning skills. According to logic and type, reasoning is basically divided into few sections. Theme Detection is one of them.

Theme detection questions are being asked in recent banking exams, especially in Mains level. Lengthy passages given in these questions may be seen deterring at first; however, they are actually easy to solve as we do not have to remember any grammar rule to solve them as such questions are related with reading comprehension.

In theme detection, the problems are related to the passages. From the passage, read the data carefully and decide the primary point the creator is attempting to make. What conclusion can be drawn from the contention? Every passage is trailed by five or four statements. One statement supports the creator’s contention superior to the others do.

While reading, need to identify argument in order to properly understand the main point.
Stated claim: In paragraphs, topic sentence often identifies the main claim or idea of the paragraph. This is usually first sentence but not always.

How to find stated claim:

  • Read the paragraph.
  • Ask “what is the paragraph about?”.
  • Summarize the content in own words.
  • Find the sentence within the paragraph that best matches the summary.

Tips for solving Logical Analogies

The following tips can be kept in mind while solving such questions.

1. Skim the options one by one

Quickly read the given options one by one and detect the theme of given option before moving to the second option. It is not advisable to move to the second option without comprehending the theme of the first option as it can lead to confusion. You can even consider writing the theme of each option before moving to the next.

2. Avoid facts and details and stick to an overall idea

A theme can be comprehended just by analyzing the overall idea and there is no need to go into details such as facts, data etc.

3. Do not get discouraged by seeing difficult vocabulary

Sometimes terms, related to finance or research, are used in such questions which makes understanding of the context difficult. However, in some cases such words do not contribute much to the theme and can be easily avoided as a theme of the context is related to an overall idea and not to individual words.


These effective test-taking strategy tips and tricks are well worth remembering before you take the actual logical reasoning tests:

  • Practice, practice and practice some more to ace your assessment and aptitude tests!
  • Read the question and instructions properly. Even though this seems logical, often candidates miss out very important information. Multiple-choice tests use so called ‘distractors’ as answer possibilities. These distractors are answers options which are deliberately similar to the right answer; in other words, the answer possibilities are designed to test if you read the question and provided information property.
  • Therefore, take your time to carefully read the information provided.
  • Be prepared with a pen and a piece of paper when doing the online test.
  • It can be useful to develop a (mental) checklist of strategies to solve the questions. Remember the list of possible rules discussed above. This can help you to work more methodically in the test. If needed, write the discovered rules down.
  • Try to focus on one rule at a time.

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