1. |
Statement : Read this book to get detailed and most comprehensive information on this issue. Assumption : I.The person who wants this information can read. II. There are other books available on this issue. |
Answer: Option E Explanation: Clearly, I directly follows from the statement. So, I is implicit. Also, according to the statement. this particular book gives most comprehensive "information on the issue. So, it can be assumed that other book are also available on this topic. Thus, II is also implicit. |
In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Give answer
(A) If only assumption I is implicit
(B) If only assumption II is implicit
(C) If either I or II is implicit
(D) If neither I nor II is implicit
(E) If both I and II are implicit.
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