Logical Reasoning

Making Judgments - Type 1

Each question presents a situation and asks you to make a judgment regarding that particular circumstance. Choose an answer based on given information.

1.  Miss Prachi is a B.Tech with 5 years' experience working in the automobile industry. She is looking forward to an opportunity to work with PRQ Bank. You need to take a decision whether:

A. The candidate is to be selected.
B. The candidate is to be referred to the selection panel.
C. The candidate is to be referred to the managing director.
D. The candidate is to be rejected.
2.  The school principal has received complaints from parents about bullying in the school yard during recess. He wants to investigate and end this situation as soon as possible, so he has asked the recess aides to watch closely. Which situation should the recess aides report to the principal?

A. A girl is sitting glumly on a bench reading a book and not interacting with her peers.
B. Four girls are surrounding another girl and seem to have possession of her backpack.
C. Two boys are playing a one-on-one game of basketball and are arguing over the last basket scored.
D. Three boys are huddled over a handheld video game, which isn't supposed to be on school grounds.
3.  Miss Shreya joined the organisation in 1983 when she was 28 year old as an officer. She is unmarried and stay with her mother in a rented house. She does not own a house. You need to take a decision:

A. If the employee is to be provided with accommodation.
B. If the employee is not to be provided with accommodation
C. If the complete information regarding all the above criteria are not provided in the question.
D. If the case is to be referred to the finance director.
E. If the case is to be referred to the managing director.
4.  Mark is working with a realtor to find a location for the toy store he plans to open in his town. He is looking for a place that is either in, or not too far from, the center of town and one that would attract the right kind of foot traffic.

Which of the following locations should Mark's realtor call to his attention?

A. a storefront in a new high-rise building near the train station in the center of town whose occupants are mainly young, childless professionals who use the train to commute to their offices each day.
B. a little shop three blocks away from the town's main street, located across the street from an elementary school and next door to an ice cream store
C. a stand-alone storefront on a quiet residential street ten blocks away from the town's center
D. a storefront in a small strip mall located on the outskirts of town that is also occupied by a pharmacy and a dry cleaner
5.  Mrs. Jansen recently moved to Arizona. She wants to fill her new backyard with flowering plants. Although she is an experienced gardener, she isn't very well-versed in what plants will do well in the Arizona climate. Also, there is a big tree in her backyard making for shady conditions and she isn't sure what plants will thrive without much direct sunlight. Her favorite gardening catalog offers several backyard seed packages. Which one should Mrs. Jansen choose?

A. The Rainbow Collection is ideal for North-east gardens. It includes a variety of colorful perennials that thrive in cool, moist conditions.
B. The Greenhouse Collection will blossom year after year if planted in brightly lit locations and watered regularly.
C. The Treehouse Collection will provide lush green plants with delicate colorful flowers that thrive in shady and partially shady locations.
D. The Oasis Collection includes a variety of perennials that thrive in dry climates and bright sunlight.
6.  Rita, an accomplished pastry chef who is well known for her artistic and exquisite wedding cakes, opened a bakery one year ago and is surprised that business has been so slow. A consultant she hired to conduct market research has reported that the local population doesn't think of her shop as one they would visit on a daily basis but rather a place they'd visit if they were celebrating a special occasion. Which of the following strategies should Rita employ to increase her daily business?

A. making coupons available that entitle the coupon holder to receive a 25% discount on wedding, anniversary, or birthday cakes
B. exhibiting at the next Bridal Expo and having pieces of one of her wedding cakes available for tasting
C. placing a series of ads in the local newspaper that advertise the wide array of breads
D. moving the bakery to the other side of town
7.  Sameer has three members, including himself, in the family. Neither he nor his wife owns a house. He is a senior manager for the last 4 years and has been working in the organisation for the last 12 years. He will be retiring from the organisation in 2002. You need to take a decision;

A. If the employee is to be provide with accommodation.
B. If the employee is not to be provided with accommodation.
C. If the complete information regarding all the above criteria are not provided in the question.
D. If the case is to be referred to the finance director.
E. If the case is to be referred to the managing director.
8.  Dr. Miller has a busy Pediatric dentistry practice and she needs a skilled, reliable hygienist to keep things running smoothly. The last two people she hired were recommended by top dentists in the area, but they each lasted less than one month. She is now in desperate need of a hygienist who can competently handle the specific challenges of her practice. Which one of the following candidates should Dr. Miller consider most seriously?

A. Marilyn has been a hygienist for fifteen years, and her current employer, who is about to retire, says she is the best in the business. The clientele she has worked with consists of some of the wealthiest and most powerful citizens in the county.
B. Lindy recently graduated at the top of her class from one of the best dental hygiene programs in the state. Prior to becoming a dental hygienist, Lindy spent two years working in a day care center.
C. James has worked as a dental hygienist for three years in a public health clinic. He is very interested in securing a position in a private dental office.
D. Kathy is an experienced and highly recommended dental hygienist who is also finishing up a degree in early childhood education, which she hopes will get her a job as a preschool teacher. She is eager to find a job in a pediatric practice, since she has always wanted to work with children.

The neighborhood block association has received many complaints about people knocking on doors and soliciting money for an unknown charity organization even though door-to-door solicitation is prohibited by local laws. Three residents have provided descriptions of individuals who have come to their door asking for money.

Solicitor #1 is a white male, 20-25 years old, 5'9", 145 pounds, with very short brown hair. He was wearing a dark blue suit and carrying a brown leather briefcase.

Solicitor #2 is a white male, 25-30 years old, 6'2", 200 pounds, with a shaved-head. He was wearing a red T-shirt and jeans.

Solicitor #3 is a white male, approximately 23 years old, 5'10", slight build, with short brown hair. He was wearing a blue suit.

Three days after the block association meet- ing, a resident noticed a man knocking on doors in the neighborhood and phoned the police to report the illegal activity. This solic- itor was described as follows:

Solicitor #4 is a white male, 22 years old, 140 pounds, about 5'10", with short brown hair. He was carrying a briefcase and wearing a dark suit.

Based on this description, which of the three solicitations was also likely carried out by Solicitor #4?

A. #1, #2, and #3
B. #1, but not #2 and #3
C. #1 and #3, but not #2
D. #1 and #2, but not #3

Mrs. Carson took a taxi to meet her three friends for lunch. They were waiting for her outside the restaurant when she pulled up in the car. She was so excited to see her friends that she left her tote bag in the taxi. As the taxi pulled away, she and her friends took notice of the license plate number so they would be able to identify the car when they called the taxi company.

#1: The four women seem to agree that the plate starts out with the letter J.

#2: Three of them agree that the plate ends with 12L.

#3: Three of them think that the second letter is X, and a different three think that the third letter is K.

The four license plate numbers below represent what each of the four women thinks she saw. Which one is most likely the license plate number of the taxi?

A. JXK 12L
B. JYK 12L
C. JXK 12I
D. JXX 12L