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Accenture :List of Interview Experiences 2022
Accenture Interview Experience - Mumbai, Oct 14th, 2022Posted By : Divya Shetty Rating : +10, -0
Accenture Interview Experience - Hyderabad, Oct 14th, 2022Posted By : Rajesh Rating : +11, -0
Accenture Interview Experience - RNSIT, Bangalore, Oct 14th, 2022Posted By : Sindhu Rating : +8, -0
Accenture Interview Experience - Hyderabad, Apr 07th, 2022Posted By : Dinesh Mv Rating : +4, -0
Accenture Interview Experience - Pune, Mar 04th, 2022Posted By : Pratik Mishra Rating : +2, -0
Accenture Interview Experience - Gurgaon, Mar 04th, 2022
I am Pradeep Katteppanavar, from KLS Gogte Institute Of Technology, Belgavi. I got placed in Accenture. Take your time and read this post. I am posting about my interview preparation and my personal experience. If you like my review please like this post.
I have struggled a lot during on campus in college. I have been rejected by TCS (Final round), Brillio (Technical round), Peol (Final round) and many more.
I still remember when I had been to my native in November, my dad said Pradeep you are struggling to get job, I know but this time come home with offer letter. When I heard this statement from my dad it touched my heart. I took it very seriously.
I can't forget those painful 210 days after graduation to search job. I can't forget those sleepless nights, I can't digest last round rejections, I can't forget travelling to Rajajinagar from Whitefield 5 hours daily just to attend classes and save my parents money but I always believed in myself and my strength. I believed I have capability to stand on my own. I have come from family where I don't no what is the meaning of problem? I use to enjoy every time during my college time. I thank my parents and thanks to god teaching me what is meaning of problem after coming to Bangalore. Reason I am telling this to you guys "Don't Loose Hopes" Go ahead something big is waiting for you guys.
After college I was confident because I was knowing AMCAT and eLitmus will provide me Accenture interviews. Actually my favorite company is Accenture. I came to Bangalore from hometown Belgavi to search job. Condition of job seekers was horrible here as you all know. As I was having two main projects in hand which I have done during my engineering career because of that I got interviews very early.
I want to thank AMCAT for providing opportunity to attend Accenture as well as other company's drives. As I wrote paid AMCAT exam in May 2015 and in December 2015, I got many calls from AMCAT. I request you all to take AMCAT.
I wrote AMCAT through that suddenly one fine day I got mail by saying Accenture drive matches your criteria (as I said I had very good score in AMCAT) so attend drive on 9th Jan 2016. I got very much happy that I got a call from my favorite company "ACCENTURE". I was prepared fully. I took it very seriously. Started my preparation with simple programs then moved to advance level like Java and Data structure subjects. I got hall ticket after 2 days from AMCAT. I prepared how to sell myself in interview rather than getting depressed. I want to thank my friend Prashant, Veeru anna these two persons are part of my success. They both guided me in proper way. I would like to thank my close friend Rasika, Neha, Pratiksha for tolerating me whenever I called and shared my interview related problems. Thank you guys.
As I said I was very much excited to attend my favorite company interview as well as depressed how I have to present myself. I took time. I woke up in the morning at 5 am on 9th Jan 2016 (seriously guys if you want something you will not get sleep. Same happened with me I didn't sleep whole night because of excitement). I ironed my cloths and enjoyed bath with my favorite singer songs "Raghu Dixit". Proud kannadiga so Prayed god and my parents "bas aek bar chance de de Accenture offer letter leke hi ghar aayunga" and it happened. Told my anna, bhabi I am going for Accenture drive. Took my bike, omg it was so much cloudy that day. As I have spectacles road was not visible properly somehow I managed and while going I had my favorite food idli and vada (it was yummy actually). Perfectly ready for interview now.
Reached interview location on time. Met my friends. AMCAT people said we want to verify everybody's hall ticket so we were waiting. After verification they said us wait in one room. We were waiting and AMCAT people gave form to fill all details of our education it was 10 pages booklet I think. Fill it carefully guys as they won't provide another sheet if you guys do mistake. After that they started checking all our documents. They took xerox and provided us token number. After that depending on our token numbers there was interview (Technical+HR). Some 15 panels were there as I have tendency to enquire everything in every situation, so I can help somebody who attend Accenture interview. All panels are cool. One Technical guy and one HR girl. There was a room AMCAT person where sending 5 people each inside. We were sitting outside we thought some debate or extempore is going on. After that my token number came. Butterflies were flying inside stomach. I was revising Java concepts. Suddenly they called my name I took my file and as I am from Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgavi, Karnataka we guys always have high confidence.
I was 5th person to enter. No one wished Good morning. I took advantage and wished Gm with big smile that was my first impression with Tech guy and HR girl. They smiled and said me gm. Then we kept bags side and they said take your seat. Both Tech and HR were cool they said see guys I will give one topic you guys need to talk 5 min about it. The topic was "Remedies to improve education system in India". I want valid points. Then guys I observed them they were watching our body language. I took proper position. They said ok who will start? As I know they want valid points I took some time. All other guys were busy in taking lead and start first. Guys don't do hurry. Instead do what I did. I took small paper and pen when I entered room. I quickly wrote some perfect valid points when others were talking. I was 5th guy to talk. People say last guys are ignored but its wrong I stared talking like this "Gm mam, Gm sir (with high pitch). I am Pradeep. I want to thank you for providing this interview and I want to appreciate your time. They said thank you Pradeep. Then I started with what all problems we have in education system with quick points as I said I had written valid points on paper to impress interviewers. All were talking about only problem but I provided problem and solution (that's why I said don't start before. Take some time think quickly and write valid points and deliver). Interviewers got impressed as they were looking my way of presenting.
Now lady HR started and scanned each application and resume which we had submitted already. She started with one of guy from 5 members. Guys they were observing how you behave for situation. They asked questions like difference between C and C++ and Java etc. Be perfect with your resume. Don't include topics which you don't no. They will trap you easily. They asked some SQL concepts. Mainly they concentrated on projects we have done during engineering, be perfect with it. Be confident and present properly. If you guys get nervous don't show it. Big MNC golden opportunity don't do mistake guys.
For me HR lady stared with my projects. I explained her very clearly. She was impressed by my projects because both of my projects are currently used by my engineering college and I had attached college provided appreciation letter for my projects. I explained each and everything nicely. Then again they asked some questions like difference and all.
All guys presented nicely and all done now. As I said interviewers are cool. They stared to ask tell me short poems. Tell me why you guys are here for Accenture there are many other companies? They started asking like, if any company is providing you more than 5 lakh salaries are you all ready to go? We said no.
They asked,
- How long you will be with Accenture?
- What you know about Accenture?
- What is current employee strength of Accenture?
So before attending interview get all the info about Accenture so it will be easy. I knew all as I said I was serious about this interview. Now all process got over while coming back we said thank you and we came out.
After sometime AMCAT people said you all can leave for the day Accenture will inform you guys regarding final selects. So again butterflies started in my stomach. I was waiting waiting waiting for results. 19th Jan 2016 (luckiest day of my life) got mail from Accenture by saying congrats from Accenture. We are pleased to inform you that you are part of our offered candidates we would like to extend offer to join Accenture. I was totally happy like anything. I took cell called my mom and dad and said as I promised I cracked AMCAT and got my dream company. My parents were like wowww. My dad said thank you, you didn't break my promise (my eyes got wet. Because I know what situation he was going with. My parents and my family and Friends were my strength). I said thanks to god. I took peda and thanked my mentors.
1. Understand your strength and weakness and work on that.
2. Work 5 hours a day on aptitude to crack AMCAT or eLitmus or any company's interview.
3. Next comes technical interview preparation. You have to be perfect in one language to prove yourself (as I was proficient in Java).
4. Next is HR round. Go through all questions from IndiaBix more than enough. I referred same and most of them are from this site only.
Namma Bangaluru didn't disappointed me. We kannadigas always welcome all with big smile.
As promised going to my native with "ACCENTURE" offer letter soon and joining Accenture family in march 2016.
I want to end this post with.
- "Be confident, Pray god"
- "You have hidden strength identify it"
- "Make good friends who identify your weakness"
- "If you fail rather than getting depressed take it as challenge"
- "Just tell yourself I will take offer letter and go home"
- "Don't believe you are week it's your mentality how you guys deal with situation"
Hope you guys follow my tips to get place in Accenture.
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