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Accenture :List of Interview Experiences 2022
Accenture Interview Experience - Mumbai, Oct 14th, 2022Posted By : Divya Shetty Rating : +10, -0
Accenture Interview Experience - Hyderabad, Oct 14th, 2022Posted By : Rajesh Rating : +11, -0
Accenture Interview Experience - RNSIT, Bangalore, Oct 14th, 2022Posted By : Sindhu Rating : +8, -0
Accenture Interview Experience - Gurgaon, Mar 04th, 2022Posted By : Neeraj Rating : +12, -1
Accenture Interview Experience - Pune, Mar 04th, 2022Posted By : Pratik Mishra Rating : +2, -0
Accenture Interview Experience - Hyderabad, Apr 07th, 2022
Greetings Reader,
Before I begin, Thanks a lot to the people who shared their experience here. Its really helpful.
I'm 2016 passed out student. I attended Accenture drive which happened on 21st Jan 2017 at Vasavi Engineering College, Hyderabad. It was totally unexpected because Accenture considers Elitmus/Amcat scores and short list the candidates but I was short-listed by amcat team (though I didn't give Amcat test) to register for this drive. I felt lucky and never want to lose this opportunity.
I got my admit card a day before my interview and I travelled around 600kms for it :D
On the day of interview, I reported on time and there was a huge crowd at the venue. After sometime, Accenture team started to call the candidates. A batch of 5 people (3M+2F) were called and a team of 2 (TR+HR) were screening the candidates.
I was batched with 4 other people in 20th batch. I was waiting for my chance and I inquired some people who completed their interview and they said that recruiters are not much focusing on Technical stuff but just asking about intro of the candidate and the projects they did in their B.Tech.
When its my turn, our batch went in and wished the TR and HR and we took our seats. We were asked to submit our govt. ID along with admit card and our resumes. After verification, the HR asked to introduce one by one of our choice. A guy to my left started and ended in 3min and a guy on my right started before I started and ended in 4min. Immediately, I started telling about myself and took 5min. Meanwhile, they were checking our resumes.
After that, HR informed us that their won't be any technical questions and started a general discussion with us. The topic is "Does smartphones are necessary for students?". A girl started the discussion and everyone involved in it. Before we say anything recruiter is interrupting us. It was just like a casual discussion with a group of friends and this ended in 7-8 minutes.
Then the recruiters asked us if we had any questions for us to ask - about Accenture and everyone turned up with at least one question. A few of them which I asked are -
1. Accenture is a diverse company working on different platforms, I read about open innovation team of Accenture working on AI. What are the chances for a fresher to work on such streams? What kind of projects are they working on?
2. (In our discussion HR told us that he has 9 and half years of experience with Accenture) What are challenges you faced in the organization so far?
3. I read about Accenture volunteer works like Vahini- which is for women empowerment, am very much interested contribute in such projects. How can I get started in it?
A few questions my batch mates asked are -
1. Can we do masters while working in the company? How does Accenture support me in that case?
2. After training, Can I have a chance to choose/change the project?
3. How will be training for non IT students?
Then they said the interview is over and we left the venue. With in 2 business days, we got the results and I was selected for Accenture.
My Suggestions:
- Read some experiences of people who attended the interview and grab some insights.
- Do prior research about company
- Be Confident
- Be unique. (Every member in my batch said that they organized events in departmental events/Associations/NGO's and called them a good organizer. It doesn't matter being a organizer if everyone in your batch is a organizer.)
- Focus on what the recruiter says and try to gain more information from them.
- Ask more interesting questions about the company (This shows your interest towards the organization)
- Language is not a barrier. So, Show your potentials to them. They must understand what you speak.
- Give relevant answers to the questions,
Good Luck,
Dinesh Mv.
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