JavaScript for LWC

Reactive Properties and the @track Decorator in Lightning Web Components (LWC)

Reactive properties are a core concept in Lightning Web Components (LWC) that enable automatic data synchronization between a component's JavaScript logic and its user interface (UI) elements. When a reactive property's value changes, the corresponding UI elements are automatically updated to reflect the new value.

Example Scenario: Using Reactive Properties

Consider building an LWC that displays a dynamic message based on user input. The message should be automatically updated as the user types.


import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';

export default class MessageDisplay extends LightningElement {
    @track userMessage = '';

    handleInputChange(event) {
        this.userMessage =;



1. The `@track` decorator is used on the `userMessage` property, indicating that changes to this property should be tracked for automatic UI updates.
2. The `<input>` element's `value` attribute is bound to the `userMessage` property, creating a two-way data binding. Changes in the input field trigger automatic updates to the property and UI.
3. The `oninput` event is attached to the input field, and the `handleInputChange` method is invoked whenever the user types.
4. The `handleInputChange` method updates the `userMessage` property with the new value from the input field. Because of the `@track` decorator, this change triggers an automatic update in the UI.
5. The `<p>` element displays the current value of the `userMessage` property, ensuring that the displayed message dynamically updates as the user types.

Benefits of Reactive Properties and @track Decorator

1. Seamless UI Updates: Reactive properties and the @track decorator enable automatic synchronization between property changes and UI updates.
2. Real-time Interaction: Users experience immediate feedback as they interact with UI elements.


While reactive properties simplify UI updates, be mindful of performance considerations, especially when dealing with complex components.

In Summary

Reactive properties and the `@track` decorator are fundamental to achieving dynamic and responsive behavior in LWC. Leveraging them effectively enhances user interactions and simplifies data synchronization between the component's JavaScript and UI elements.