This question is a trap to create conflict between your loyalties towards company against personal integrity. But we usually lie about simple things. When you are getting ready for a party and your friend call you to inquire about your being started, you say "on the way" though you are still at home. But when it comes to organization, it is necessary to hold your integrity upright even the situation is so compelling. The reason being, If you lie, and anything unexpected happens, it not only spoils your career but also many stake holder depend on the company are effected.
Mistakes You Should Avoid
Some companies rely on employees keeping certain information undisclosed during product development. For instance, information about new technologies is not released to the public until the product is nearly ready for distribution.
1. Avoid giving a direct no or yes, especially if the industry does rely on legal secrecy.
2. If pressed, avoid compromising your personal integrity.
3. Do not let the question make you visibly uncomfortable.
4. Do not agree to outright lying for the company.
Do not be combative in your answer. The interviewer is not implying that you need be willing to lie for the position. Instead, he or she simply wants to know if you would choose to be dishonest on the job.
Suggestion :
Try to avoid choosing between two values, giving a positive statement which covers all bases instead.
Here are examples of good answers to, “Would you lie for the company”
Would you lie for the company?
Possible Answer #1
I do not lie to advance personal or business goals. There is always an honorable way to succeed and I will always work towards genuinely earned success.
As long as I am in accordance with company and legal guidelines, I would do what is best for the company and try to effectively resolve any issues that may arise.
Possible Answer #2
I will consider lying only in a situation where there is a possibility of loss or damage to a project or team spirit or company’s core values are at stake. Otherwise I will look at alternatives but would never like to lie.
Integrity is the most prized of all values for any company so never lie until as mentioned for positive outcome only.
Possible Answer #3
Sir, I do not favour lying as it creates more problems that it solves. And mostly there are many ways of telling a truth. But if it is absolutely the demand of the situation, then I may lie for the interest of the organisation but only after confirming that it does not affect the interest of others.
Possible Answer #4
I would not tell a no or yes to this questions. Because sometimes telling lie is better if there is a benefit to a mass, that is if the whole organisation is dependent and will improve and develop by my simple lie then I must tell it. But being a part of reputed companies as yours will never lead me to such a situation, its my belief and faith. I must abide myself to my values first, otherwise for my personal benefits beyond the company's mass.
Remember, this interview is also a chance for you to learn more about the company. Don’t let yourself get involved with dishonest enterprises that might be sued or ruin your career. Answer honestly and keep your integrity intact.
HR Interview: Would you lie for the company?
Categories : HR Interview Questions For Freshers
This question is a trap to create conflict between your loyalties towards company against personal integrity. But we usually lie about simple things. When you are getting ready for a party and your friend call you to inquire about your being started, you say "on the way" though you are still at home. But when it comes to organization, it is necessary to hold your integrity upright even the situation is so compelling. The reason being, If you lie, and anything unexpected happens, it not only spoils your career but also many stake holder depend on the company are effected.
Mistakes You Should Avoid
Some companies rely on employees keeping certain information undisclosed during product development. For instance, information about new technologies is not released to the public until the product is nearly ready for distribution.
1. Avoid giving a direct no or yes, especially if the industry does rely on legal secrecy.
2. If pressed, avoid compromising your personal integrity.
3. Do not let the question make you visibly uncomfortable.
4. Do not agree to outright lying for the company.
Do not be combative in your answer. The interviewer is not implying that you need be willing to lie for the position. Instead, he or she simply wants to know if you would choose to be dishonest on the job.
Suggestion :
Try to avoid choosing between two values, giving a positive statement which covers all bases instead.
Here are examples of good answers to, “Would you lie for the company”
Would you lie for the company?
Possible Answer #1
Possible Answer #2
Possible Answer #3
Possible Answer #4
Remember, this interview is also a chance for you to learn more about the company. Don’t let yourself get involved with dishonest enterprises that might be sued or ruin your career. Answer honestly and keep your integrity intact.
All the best