As a fresher, you can’t commit to any expertise in any specific domain. So this question is intended to understand what quality of yours will be helpful most for the company. Knowledge about company and what quality of yours suits the organization, is the key to answer this. In case you don’t know much about the company, quick learning ability, flexibility, team player etc are few common qualities that will fit any organizational needs.
Why should we hire you ?
Possible Answer #1
“I have had some internships and industry exposure. So being a fresher, it will still be easy for me adapt to the new environment, which is significantly lessen my training cost.”
Possible Answer #2
“I have a sharp learning curve, which will help company ramp me up quickly as a productive resource. An example of my learning curve is my final year project, where I have worked on a short time frame on an entirely new technology”
Possible Answer #3
“I am a strong team player a good leader. I have been leading teams for technical and cultural activities during my college days. In your company I will be a great player within any challenging team and provide leadership when opportunity arises”.
These sample answers should help you tackle the question “Why should we hire you ? ”.
HR Interview: Why should I hire you?
Categories : HR Interview Questions For Freshers
As a fresher, you can’t commit to any expertise in any specific domain. So this question is intended to understand what quality of yours will be helpful most for the company. Knowledge about company and what quality of yours suits the organization, is the key to answer this. In case you don’t know much about the company, quick learning ability, flexibility, team player etc are few common qualities that will fit any organizational needs.
Why should we hire you ?
Possible Answer #1
Possible Answer #2
Possible Answer #3
These sample answers should help you tackle the question “Why should we hire you ? ”.
All the best