HR Interview

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

HR Interview

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

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What are your strengths and weaknesses? :

HR Interview Room

  1. Jyoti said: (July 04, 2023)  
    My strength is I can adapt myself according to the environment and I am a quick learner. My weakness is I trust everyone easily and over friendly nature.


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  2. Laksh Gonnade said: (June 07, 2023)  

    My strength is I am a hard worker and self-motivated with a positive attitude and strong dedication and determination and also I can adopt any type of environment.

    And my weakness is I can't say No whenever someone asked me to help.


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  3. Monica said: (March 11, 2023)  

    My strength - self-motivated.

    Yes, I am a self-motivated person. I faced lot of ups and downs in my life. Compare to others I easily overcome all problems and motivating myself to find the solution for that problems soon.

    My weakness - hesitation.

    My weakness is my hesitation because of this hesitation I lost a lot of opportunity in official and in personal. But now, I improved that better than my past.


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  4. Rajesh Singh said: (November 23, 2022)  

    My strength is that I enjoy my profession, my work or task was given to me and I always try my best to finish it within the stipulated time.

    Hardworking, calm, punctuality is some addition to my characters.

    I have one more strength that I'm passionate to learn new things. A few years back I bought a guitar and last month I joined pool classes. I think life must be kept on changing.


    Sometimes I tend to forget even my social life due to my work because I feel uncomfortable until I finish my work in the given time.


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  5. Rajneesh said: (November 21, 2022)  

    My strength is Adaptability. Because my father is in Army. So relocating has many benefits like learning new things, new culture, new language,

    My weakness is my communication, it is not so good, but I trying to improve it.


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  6. Arijit Mukherjee said: (June 15, 2022)  

    I am very hardworking and having good communication skill that helps me to make new friends, I try to complete my work with details.

    Sometimes giving attention to details in work, it takes longer time to finish it.


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# My Answer :

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

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