RRB NTPC Dates 2020

The dates have been announced along with RRN NTPC notification. Candidates can find in the table below the dates related to all important events of RRB NTPC exam.

RRB NTPC Events RRB NTPC Dates Salient Features 

Notification PDF


RRBs had released the notification of NTPC. The notification provides details regarding exam pattern, eligibility, vacancies, reservation, syllabus etc.

Application form 


The application form was available online few days after the notification was released 

Last date to apply 


Candidates could apply for the exam till this date 

Fee payment 


Candidates could pay the application fees which was Rs 500 (except the fee concession categories). For PwBD / Female /Transgender/ Ex-Servicemen, SC/ST/Minority Communities/ Economically Backward Class candidates it was Rs 250

Final submission of applications


After fee payment, candidates could finally submit their application form 

Exam dates CBT Stage 1

Available soon

RRB NTPC exam dates are yet to be announced by RRBs.