
Top 25+ MongoDB Interview Questions & Answers

Top 25+ MongoDB Interview Questions & Answers

Mongo DB 3.2 is 300 times faster than mysql. MongoDB is basically an Open Source cross platform document oriented DB program, often classified as NoSQL DB program. What it means is that instead of the traditional table based RDBMS, the emphasis is on JSON with dynamic schemas. Learning Mongo DB will definitely gives a boost to your career because the demand for Mongo DB in the market is increasing at a tremendous pace. MongoDB is fast becoming an industry trend and is...

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Top 5 Skills a Fresher must have to enter the Software Industry

Top 5 Skills a Fresher must have to enter the Software Industry

One might ask, why only 5 skills, don't they have 8 semesters in college with about 20 subjects and numerous skill-building practical classes. Well in college a computer engineering student is bombarded with irrelevant subjects, assignments, practical labs, the pressure of getting into a relationship, and what not, that they never get a chance to focus on the skills that are actually required. Now the skills mentioned in this article are the ones that are more like mandatory requirements, or we can s...

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Top 10 Interesting Facts About Sarahah : The Anonymous Messaging App

Top 10 Interesting Facts About Sarahah : The Anonymous Messaging App

"Are you ready for honesty? Get constructive criticism from friends and colleagues, in total anonymity." This is the running theme of the new honesty secret messaging app Sarahah that has garnered immense popularity and triggered a massive debate about online bullying alongside. Sarahah stands for “honesty” in Arabic and permits users to send and receive messages in complete anonymity from people in the social network. While the app is new to India, Sarahah was quite popula...

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Top 25+ Angular 2 Interview Questions & Answers

Top 25+ Angular 2 Interview Questions & Answers

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript Framework based on MV-* design for building new generation web applications. AngularJS has adapted the best approach to web advancement. AngularJS has lots of amazing features that make it different from other JavaScript Frameworks and libraries. Learning AngularJs (especially the latest version of it i.e. angular 4) will definitely gives a boost to your career because the demand for angularJs in the market is increasing at a tremendous pace. Below you can find...

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Top 25+ Node.js Interview Questions & Answers

Top 25+ Node.js Interview Questions & Answers

The modern web application has really come a long way over the years with the introduction of many popular frameworks such as bootstrap, Angular JS, etc. All of these frameworks are based on the popular JavaScript framework. But when it came to developing server based applications there was just kind of a void, and this is where Node.js came into the picture. Node.js is also based on the JavaScript framework, but it is used for develo...

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