Ordering of Sentences

Rearranging sentences requires a sound knowledge of grammar, a command over the structure of sentences and an ability to form a logical sequence of ideas behind sentences.

In order to perform well in this section, one has to read every sentence carefully, concentrate on the meaning of the passage and then form a sequence at the level of idea. A few simple rules of grammar help to deliver the right order. Words, preferably sentence linkers like 'then', 'so', 'now', 'afterwards', 'finally', etc. help in understanding the sequence of events.


  1. A noun precedes a pronoun and the noun helps identify the pronoun it has to be followed by. Look at the following sentences.

  2.     1. A king lived in Central India.
        2. He was handsome but very vain.

  3. We can easily understand that the pronoun 'he' refers to the person (king) in the earlier sentence.

  4. The definite article 'the' generally follows a sentence where an indefinite article (a or an) is used. Look at these sentences :

    1. A king lived in Central India.

    2. The king was handsome but very vain.

  5. It can be understood that sentence '2' should follow sentence '1' since the definite article 'the' is used in sentence '2'.

  6. Certain words, say sentence linkers help us decide the sequence of sentences leading to the order of sentences. Look at the following sentences.

    1. The king was handsome but very vain.

    2. He did not care for the ruling of his people.

    3. As a result / So the people became poorer and sadder.

    Sentence '1' started with a noun and the sentence '2' with a corresponding pronoun 'he' for 'the king', and the sentence '3' with a sentence linker 'so' or a phrase 'as a result' linking the earlier sentence.

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