Logical Reasoning

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In each question below is given a statement followed by three courses of action numbered I, II and III. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the three given suggested courses of action logically follows for pursuing.

31.  Statement : The Company X has rejected first lot of values supplied by Company A and has cancelled its entire huge order quoting use of inferior quality material and poor craftsmanship.

Courses of action :

I. The Company A needs to investigate functioning of its purchase, production and quality control departments.

II. The Company A should inspect all the valves rejected by Company X.

III. The Company A should inform Company X that steps have been taken for improvement and renegotiate schedule of supply.

A. Only I and II follow
B. Only II follows
C. II, and either I or III follow
D. All I, II and III follow
E. None of these
32.  Statement : Major part of the rabi crop in the district is damaged due to unseasonable heavy rains during the last few days. 

Courses of action :

I. The government should grant relief to the affected farmers to compensate their loss.

II. The government should provide free seed and fertilizer to the farmers  for the kharif season.

III. The government should wave all loans taken for the rabi crop by affected farmers.

A. Only I and II follow
B. Only II follows
C. Only II and III follow
D. Only III follows
E. All follow
33.  Statement : The Management of School M has decided to give free breakfast from next  academic year to all the students in its primary section through its canteen even though they will not get any government grant.

Courses of action : 

I. The school will have to admit many poor students who will seek admission for the next academic year.

II. The canteen facilities and utensils have to checked and new purchases to be made to equip it properly.

III. Funds will have to be raised to support the scheme for years to come.

A. Only I follows
B. Only either I or II follows
C. Only II and III follow
D. All follow
E. None of these
34.  Statement : Lack of coordination between the University, its colleges and various authorities has resulted in students from one college seeking migration to another.

Courses of action : 

I. If a student is ousted from a college, the information should be sent to all the other colleges of the University.

II. The admissions to all the colleges of the University should be handled by the University directly.

III. A separate section should be made for made for taking strict action against students indulging in anti-social activities.

A. Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Only III follows
D. Only I and III follow
E. Only II and III follow
35.  Statement : The day time temperatures in this summer have been four to five degree Celsius above the normal temperature across the country.

Courses of action : 

I. All the district headquarters should be alerted to send prompt reports of death due to heat waves in their jurisdiction.

II. The Government machinery should be put on high alert and provided with necessary equipment to prevent any untoward incident.

III. The Government should make necessary arrangements to provided drinking water in all the areas affected due to extreme heat waves.

A. Only I follows
B. Only I and II follow
C. All follow
D. Only III follows
E. Only II and III follow