1. |
In the Maple Hill school district, a Five-Day Suspension occurs when a student is not permitted to attend school for five days for (1) physically assaulting another student, a teacher, or a school employee or (2) will-fully destructing or defacing school property. Which situation below is the best example of a Five-Day Suspension? |
Answer: Option C Explanation: Although choices a and c both describe suspensions, only choice c describes a suspension that is the result of one of the two scenarios given in the definition of a five-day suspension (physical assault or destructing or defacing school property). Therefore, we can assume that Franny's suspension, which is the result of spray painting school property, will be a five-day suspension. Since the definition doesn't provide any information about suspensions for cheating, we can assume that Lillian's suspension does not fall into the five-day suspension category. |
Read each definition and all four choices carefully, and find the answer that provides the best example of the given definition.
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