Logic Games
Logic Games aren't much different from crossword puzzles and sudoku. In fact, they're easier. Why? Because they're incredibly predictable, and you already know everything you need to solve them.
Tips for solving Logic Games
Tip #1: Recognize which logic-game pattern you're dealing with.
The test makers design logic games to fit into certain basic molds. The primary difference between them involves the nature of the relationship among the game's subjects. Each type of game calls for its own distinct approach, so it's crucial that you know which type you're up against when you see it on the exam.
Tip #2: Read the game's conditions (list of rules) very carefully.
Misreading or misinterpreting a condition can be costly because it taints your analysis of the entire game. If you commit this error you're unlikely to have much success attempting the questions.
Tip #3: Don't try to list all possible combinations.
If you try to jot down all the possibilities that the game's conditions suggest, the result will be a confusing mess. Instead, use one or two templates that encompass all the possibilities. (See the next two tips.)
Tip #4: Devise a master diagram, or template, for each game.
Unless you use effective diagrams to visualize the relationships defined by the rules of a game, you're unlikely to have much success in responding to the questions. An effective diagram will help you think clearly and respond to the questions quickly and confidently. An ineffective diagram will result in confusion and wasted time.
Tip #5: Look for a key rule around which the others can be organized.
One particular rule may serve as a starting point for devising a template-style diagram. For example, a rule that includes an either/or statement suggests two alternative scenarios and hence two alternative templates. This technique can greatly simplify the game. In all likelihood, only one or two games on your exam will include this sort of rule. But always look for it.
Tip #6: Don't do more work than needed to answer the question.
Most questions don't require you to deduce all you can from the additional information in the question stem. Stop when you've done enough to zero-in on the correct answer.
Logical Reasoning Test Tricks
Logical reasoning is a thought process where we apply logic on a statements to find out a conclusion. Generally, this portion of reasoning often comes in Competitive exams. Logical reasoning checks the logic building ability of a student.
Here are a few logical reasoning tricks to score high in your exams:
1. Simplify the data
Always remember, a good reasoning question will not have clearly visible useful information. It will be a game where you need to find the information that is required to go ahead. Read the full question and try to filter the important data for the solution. This will require reading the question more than once, each time you will some essential information. Use that information to solve your question efficiently. When you have all the data you need, you can ignore the rest of it proceed.
2. Find a starting point
While solving the questions, you should always keep in mind that starting from the first point is not necessary, and is usually not a good idea considering it’s a logical reasoning question, the order of the points may not be proper. You would waste a lot of time by proceeding with the given order. Instead, read the whole question and try to find that one point to start with. That point will most likely be the key to solving the whole question.
3. Use graphical approach
Sometimes, you may encounter a question that is swamped with information and the whole paragraph is designed to confuse you. To handle such questions, always try to put all that information in tabular format, Venn diagram, pie charts, bar graphs or any other form of data depending on the type of question. This will enable you to get a clear perspective of data is and how to proceed further with it.
4. Focus on accuracy, not attempts
During the exam, it’s not important to attempt every question, but it is important to get a question right. Assuming that most exams have negative marking and a limited time. So, instead of aiming to attempt more and more questions, focus on accuracy. Spend a little bit of more time on the question, and make sure your answer is right. At the end, your marks will matter and not your attempts.
While taking mocks, keep the accuracy in mind. Do exactly what you would do in your exam so that you can analyze your true speed and work to improve it.
5. Manage your time
Not every reasoning question is designed to be solved in a short period of time, some are very time to consume. While practicing you need to solve every type of question, nothing should be skipped. But while taking tests, should focus on maximizing the score. All the questions are not meant to be solved in a given time. Before jumping to the question, just read it and think whether it can be solved fast or not. If not, then skip that question and attempt others. In your first sweep, attempt the easiest questions. Then come back to the start and do a second sweep. Again, prioritize only those questions which can be answered quickly. When you have finished all the easy ones, then utilize your precious time to answer the difficult ones.
For example, there is one set of 4 questions with a common complex information. You need to simplify and decode the information in order to answer all 4 of them. This question can be done in 15 minutes time, but take note that the questions may go wrong. Your very simplification could have errors you might ignore, as a result, all 4 questions can go wrong. Instead, you can choose to attempt 4 different questions with independent data. They would take no more than 2-3 minutes each. These questions are not dependent on common data. If you mess up one question, you can still get the others right. You will have higher accuracy and also plenty of time at the end to handle the questions that require more time and a stress-free mind(since you’ve already done other questions).
6. Go by the options
Logical reasoning questions will generally have either 4 or 5 options, out of which 1 would be your answer. In most cases, you can simply analyze the given options and eliminate the ones that are not relevant. This will leave the fight between 2 or 3 options, which you can further analyze critically. It will save you a lot of time, which you can devote to the questions that require more time.