21. |
Statements: No tree is fruit. All fruits are stones. All stones are rains. Conclusions: I. No stone is tree. II. No rain is tree. III. Some rains are fruits. IV. Some rains are trees. |
In each of the following questions, three statements are given followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
22. |
Statements: All doors are roads. No road is fruit. Some flowers are doors. Conclusions: I. Some fruits are doors. II. Some fruits are flowers. III. Some roads are flowers. IV. No fruit is flower. |
23. |
Statements: All needles are threads. All threads are boxes. All trees are boxes. Conclusions: I. No needle is tree. II. Some trees are threads. III. Some boxes are needles. IV. Some trees are needles. |
24. |
Statements: All players are spectators. Some spectators are theatres. Some theatres are dramas. Conclusions: I. Some dramas are spectators. II. Some players are dramas. III. Some theatres are players. IV. All spectators are players. |
25. |
Statements: No house is school. All colleges are schools. All schools are teachers. Conclusions: I. No house is teacher. II. All colleges are teachers. III. Some teachers are not houses. IV. No college is house. |