What should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following alpha numeric series?
Z9A, X7D, ?, T3J, RIM
Answer: Option D
Pattern of the series as shown below
Hence, the missing term is V5G.
Q1F, S2E, U6D, W24C, ?
Answer: Option A
Hence, the missing term is IQ24.
9Z-20, 11A-18, 13Y-16, 15B-14, ?
Answer: Option C
Hence, the missing term is 17X12.
8 H 24 X 7 G 15 O 17 ?
Here, the numbers are followed by letters at that particular place in English alphabet.
Hence, the missing term is Q.
B 2 I 9 R 18 T 20 H ?
Hence, the letters are followed by numbers, which denotes is positional value in English alphabet.
Hence, the missing term is 8.