HR Interview

What makes you angry?

HR Interview

Points to remember before you attend this interview question:

Assume, now you are sitting in front of the HR manager.

Take the initiative to participate and contribute your thoughts.

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What makes you angry? :

HR Interview Room

  1. Sushmitha Gowda said: (September 22, 2018)  
    I keep myself calm most of the time but when the situation goes worst I might get angry. But I think a lot before showing my anger at the right time, at the right person and I an right way.


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  2. Anjali said: (September 22, 2018)  
    I get angry when someone say any wrong thing about my parents or when someone says bad words behind your back. I want if somebody having a problem with then they would say that to me.


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  3. Amol said: (September 22, 2018)  
    I get angry when someone say any wrong thing about my parents or when someone says bad words behind your back.


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  4. Deepak said: (September 22, 2018)  
    Angerness is also comes in human nature. So the only reason why I am getting hyper so easily is that not doing the work in proper manner or discipline it makes me weaker but also provides some strengths to handle things in difficult situation. But at last I will make sure you that it will not harm organisation in any manner.


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# My Answer :

What makes you angry?

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