Important Dates Indian History

Following are some Important dates of Indian History

Periods Events/Significance
  300-      5000   Indus Valley Civilisation
  563   Birtd of Gautama Buddha (or 576 BC in some sources)
  527-540   Birtd of Mahavir; Nirvana
  327-326   Alexander’s invasion of India. It opened a land route between India and Europe
  313   Accession of Chandragupta Maurya, according to Jain traditions.
  305   Defeat of Seleucus at tde hands of Chandragupta Maurya
  273-232   Ashoka’s reign
  261   Conquest of Kalinga
  145-101   Reign of Elara, tde Chola king of Sri Lanka
  58   Beginning of Vikrami Era
  78   Beginning of Saka Era
  120   Accession of Kanishka
  320   Commencement of Gupta Era, tde golden age of Hindu India
  380   Accession of Vikramaditya
  405-411   Visit of Chinese traveller Fahien
  415   Accession of Kumara Gupta I
  455   Accession of Skanda Gupta
  606-647   Harshavardhan’s reign
  712   First invasion in Sindh by Arabs
  836   Accession of King Bhoja of Kannauj
  985   Accession of Rajaraja tde Chola ruler
  998   Accession of Sultan Mahmud
  1001   First invasion of India by Mahmud Ghazni who defeated Jaipal, ruler of Punjab.
  1025   Destruction of Somnatd Temple by Mahmud Ghazni
  1191   First Battle of Tarain
  1192   Second Battle of Tarain
  1206   Accession of Qutub-ud-Din Aibak to tde tdrone oof Delhi
  1210   Deatd of Qutub-ud-Din Aibak
  1221   Changez Khan invaded India (Mongol invasion)
  1236   Accession of Razia Sultan to tde tdrone of Delhi
  1240   Deatd of Razia Sultan
  1296   Accession of Ala-ud-Din Khilji
  1316   Deatd of Ala-ud-Din Khilji
  1325   Accession of Muhammad-bin Tughlaq
  1327   Shifting of Capital from Delhi to Daulatabad in Deccan by tde Tughlaqs
  1336   Foundation of Vijayanagar empire in Soutd
  1351   Accession of Feroze Shah
  1398   Invasion of India by Timur
  1469   Birtd of Guru Nank
  1494   Accession of Babur in Farghana
  1497-98   First Voyage of Vasco de Gama to India (discovery of sea route to India via Cape of Good   Hope) I
  1526   First Battle of Panipat; Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodhi; foundation of Mughal dynasty by     Babur
  1527   Battle of Kanwaha-Babur defeated Rana Sanga
  1530   Death of Babur and Accession of Humayun
  1539   Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun and became India’s empreor
  1555   Humayun recaptured the throne of Delhi
  1556   Second battle of Panipal
  1565   Battle of Talikota
  1576   Battle of Haldighati – Rana Pratap defeated by Akbar
  1582   Din-e-IIahi founded by Akbar
  1600   East India Company established
  1605   Death of Akbar and accession of Jehangir
  1606   Execution of Guru Arjun Dev
  1611   Jehangir marries Nur Jahan
  1616   Sir Thomas Roe visits Jehangir
  1627   Birth of Shivaji and death of Jehangir
  1628   Shah Jahan becomes emperor of India
  1631   Death of Mumtaz Mahal
  1634   The English permitted to trade in India (in Bengal)
  1659   Accession of Aurangzeb, Shahjahan imprisoned
  1665   Shivaji imprisoned, by Aurangzeb
  1666   Death of Shah Jahan
  1675   Execution of Guru Teg Bahadur, the ninth Guru of Sikhs
  1680   Death of Shivaji
  1707   Death of Aurangzeb
  1708   Death of Guru Gobind Singh
  1739   Nadir Shah Invades India
  1757   Battle of Plassey, establishment of British political rule in India at the hands of Lord Clive
  1761   Third Battle of Panipat; Shah Alam II becomes India’s emperor
  1764   Battle of Buxer
  1765   Clive appointed Company’s Governor of India
  1767-69   First Mysore War
  1780   Birth of Maharaja Ranjit Singh
  1780-84   Second Mysore War
  1784   Pitt’s India Act
  1790-92   Third Mysore War
  1793   The Permanent Settlement of Bengal
  1799   Fouth Mysore War – Death of Tipu Sultan
  1802   Treaty of Bassein
  1809   Treaty of Amritsar
  1829   Practice of Sati Prohibited
  1830   Raja Ram Mohan Roy visits England
  1833   Death of Raja Ram Mohan Roy
  1839   Death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh
  1839-42   First Afghan War
  1845-46   First Anglo-Sikh War
  1852   Second Anglo-Burmese War
  1853   First Railway line opened between Bombay and Thane and a Telegraph line in Calcutta
  1857   The Sepoy Mutiny of First War of Independence
  1861   Birth of Rabindranath Tagore
  1869   Birth of Mahatma Gandhi
  1885   Foundation of Indian National Congress
  1889   Birth of Jawaharlal Nehru
  1897   Birth of Subhash Chandra Bose
  1904   Tibet Expedition
  1905   First Battle of Bengal under Lord Curzon
  1906   Foundation of Muslim League
  1911   Delhi Darbar; King and Queen visit India; Delhi becomes the Capital of India
  1914   World War I begins
  1916   Lucknow Pact Signed by Muslim League and Congress
  1918   World War I ends
  1919   Montague-Chemsford Reforms introduced; Jallianwala Bagh Massacre at Amritsar
  1920   Khilafat Movement launched
  1927   Boycott of Simon Commission; broadcasting started in India
  1928   Death of Lala Lajpat Rai
  1929   Lord Irwain’s Pact; resolution of complete independence passed at Lahore Congress
  1930   Civil disobedience movement launched; Dandi March by Mahatma Gandhi (6 April, 1930)
  1931   Gandhi Irwin Pact
  1935   Government of India Act enacted
  1937   Provincial Autonomy; Congress forms ministries
  1939   Word War II begins (September 1)
  1941   Escape of Subhash Chandra Bose from India and death of Rabindranath Tagore
  1942   Arrival of Cripps Mission in India; Quit India Movement launched (August 8)
  1943-1944   Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose forms provisional Azad Hind Fauj and Indian National  Army; Bengal Famine
  1945   Trial of Indian National Army at Red Fort; Shimla Conference; World War II ends
  1946   British Cabinet Mission visits India; Interim government formed at centre
  1947   Division of India; Indian and Pakistan seperate independent dimensions
  1948   Mahatma Gandhi assassinated (Jannuary 30); integration of princely states