Placement Advice For College Students - Never Ever Give Up

“Hey! It’s time for the placement.”

“Have you applied to all top companies of your field?”

“What are your salary expectations?”

“So, are you ready for the last round?”

Finally, you have completed your education and now it is time for job placement. I am sure you are hearing these lines more often nowadays. After all, this is the ever awaited placement time!

The world of tensions gets developed for everyone during these days- placement team, students, companies; all are undergoing a deep thought processing. And we are definitely waiting for that final call which allows us to step inside the corporate world. No matter what will happen next; whether you will get selected or not, but I bet! You will come out with a new experience that makes you more confident and bold for the rest of life.

For everyone going through this stage; I have a simple but sweet advice“Work hard! Believe in yourself, and give your best!”.

I too came through this phase of life like everyone else so just to share my wonderful experience for you all, I have penned down few important tips that will definitely help you.

1. Work on your Resume:

We should never forget that resume plays the essential role in our selection process. Spare some time to collect information about the companies before you apply and then craft a unique resume for each company. Go through what you have written in your resume, it will help you to define yourself in a focused manner.

2. Know your Company:

In your to-do-list before the interview, this part is most crucial. You must go through the company website, collect information related to profile being offered, know about their products and services and many more. More you have updated yourself about history of company, more you will feel confident during interview.

3. Get Help:

Just pay some attention to the experience of your seniors. Their tips will help you to clarify most of your doubts. It is not necessary to be specific about the company while collecting tips; just get a generalized idea about how to face interview. Conversation with seniors will help you to build better atmosphere during interview.

4. Mind your body language:

One of the most important parts of interview is to hear what is not said in words. Yeah! Your body says a lot and the interview panel is capable enough to judge your personality from that. Reflect your enthusiasm for the profile being offered, maintain a natural smile on face, learn to maintain eye contact with confidence and sit properly.

5. Dressing Sense Matters:

This is your special day and you must dress to create an impression on everyone. Before anyone comes to know you by talks, they will get a chance to judge you by your dressing sense so it is your responsibility to present yourself in acceptable manner. Wear well ironed formal clothing and it must suit your personality. If you are confident enough about your abilities and skills then you will be able to steer the interview session as per your choice. Direct the interview panel to what you want to highlight about your personality; let them meet the most suitable person for offered profile.

“All the Best”!

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About The Author

Saurabh Samir - I have been helping aspirants to clear different competitive exams. LearnFrenzy as a team gave me an opportunity to do it on a larger level an reach out to more students. Do comment below if you have any questions or feedback's.